



Zambézia Province receives project to Improve the Quality of Education

With the goal of improving the quality of education in primary schools in Zambezia province, the project on Improving the Quality of Education, Inclusion and Community Involvement in Primary Education, implemented by ADPP under funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) expects in the next three years to benefit a total of 12,881 students belonging to 24 primary schools in the districts of Milange, Molumbo, Morrumbala and Namacurra.

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World Teacher’s Day is Tuesday October 5, 2021! In celebration of all the dedicated teachers across the world, during the month of October, Planet Aid will spotlight a range of notable educational projects implemented by our local partners across the globe.
Ongoing since 2016, the Hope Cabo Delgado project, implemented for five years by ADPP in partnership with the Ariel Glaser Foundation Against Pediatric AIDS and in coordination with the Ministry of Health (MISAU), through funds provided by the CDC, covered seven districts (Moeda and Muidumbe Chiure, Ancuabe and the city of Pemba), where it sought through various actions to reduce new HIV infections and the reintegration of absentee patients and others who had abandoned treatment.
The Project Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth in Mozambique, implemented by ADPP Mozambique, held last Friday, at the Polytechnic College of Maputo, the IV graduation ceremony of technicians in the areas of Installing Electricity and Information and Communication Technology (ICTs).
COVID-19 passes 4 million death mark and there are no signs of it stopping anytime soon.

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