

ISET - One World

ISET – One World was established to train teachers and in 2005 got recognized as an independent institution of higher education.

ISET - One World

The institute offers degrees in Pedagogy and Social Science through face-to-face and distance learning.

The extraordinary life and learning at the institute in its rural setting in Changalane district, is established first by the organizational structure of the student’s life where the core group consisting of 10-15 students including their teacher becomes the vessel from where reality is investigated and acted upon. A manifold of programme elements place the student in the middle of a vibrant reality where the centre pieces of learning many times place the student outside the comfort zone of normal educational perceptions of learning.


Full name of the Project: “Instituto Superior de Educação e Tecnologia”, ISET - One World

Principal Partners: Ministry for Science, Technology & Higher Education, Planet Aid with funds from USDA

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Spain and USA

Location: Maputo province

Teacher Training Colleges Of The Future - EPFs

ADPP Mozambique has trained primary school teachers since 1993. ADPP’s Teacher Training Colleges, also known as Schools for “Teachers of the Future”, are found in all 11 provinces of Mozambique.

Claudina da Rosa Macedo, 26 anos, natural de Manica. Acredita que teve uma formação de qualidade na EPF da ADPP. Não respondeu a mais questões.

The colleges were established as a contribution to the Mozambican Government’s effort to improve the quality of primary education in the country. In 2021 ADPP’s had graduated a total of teachers 23,451. 

ADPP Teacher Training Colleges are unique because they respond to the realities of rural communities. The holistic programmes address the local economic, social and cultural factors, creating a bridge between schools and communities, teachers and students and students and schools management.

To ensure that the students excel, the colleges use inclusive, innovative and participatory methodologies. The teacher training course allows the students to be at the center stage of their education and training, as drivers of their own learning.


Full name of the Project: Teacher Training Colleges of The Future  “Escola de Professores do Futuro”  (EPFs).

Principal Partner:  Ministry of Education and Human Development

Other partners: Planet Aid with funds from USDA, Humana People to People member associations: Austria, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Spain and USA

Location: All provinces

Graduated Teachers’ Network

The Graduate Teachers’ Network aims to give continuous support and promote further professional development for teachers after they graduate. Through this initiative ADPP contributes to a higher quality primary education in Mozambique. 

In 2019, the network reached out to more than 1,669 primary school teachers and influenced nearly 125,000 pupils in primary schools with child centered, gender sensitive quality education practices.

The network uses a variety of methods to share knowledge and skills. It also promotes reading and writing clubs in the primary schools to develop a culture of reading, as well as to improve children’s reading and writing skills. Members of the network have also produced teaching aides together, constructed classrooms and started school’s vegetable gardens.

Vocational Schools

Despite the impressive progress since the independence, the level of academic and vocational training in Mozambique remains low. In response to these challenges ADPP runs 3 Vocational Training centres in north, central and south of Mozambique.

Vocational Schools

Each school provides girls and boys, especially adolescent and youth with the necessary technical skills to increase their opportunities to enter the local labor market as employees or through their own income generation activities. The schools are offering programs in the areas of agriculture and livestock, civil construction, business administration, hospitality and tourism and community development.

Each of the schools also take the role of community centers for development of competences offering short courses for vulnerable and out of school unemployed youths.

Since their establishment more than 7,200 students have graduated from the different courses, while the same schools have over the last decade offered short courses for approximately 8,000 youths.


Full name of the Project: “Instituto Politécnico de Nhamatanda”, ”Instituto Politécnico de Nacala”

Principal Partner:  State Secretariat for Technical and Professional Education

Other partners: Municipality of Baden, Austria, Humana People to People member associations: Austria, Italy

Location: Sofala and Nampula province

Community Schools

ADPP is committed to improving and promoting equitable access to primary and secondary education.

Community Schools

ADPP runs two primary schools, the “Ants of the Future” school in Chimoio, Manica province, and the “Children’s Town” in Maputo City. Both schools provide education and shelter for orphans and vulnerable children.

ADPP believes that important life skills are learnt beyond the school curriculum. As a result, in addition to the national primary school curriculum, the schools conduct a range of extracurricular activities. As well as helping to identify and nurture children’s talents, these extracurricular activities equip these children with several vital life skills such as teamwork, networking, leadership, and decision making.

ADPP also runs two secondary schools, “No Caminho da Vitória” and “Patrice Lumumba”, in Maputo province. Over 2,000 children and young people attend these four schools annually, some of whom might not have had a chance of going to secondary school.


Full name of the Project: “Formigas do Futuro”, Chimoio, “Cidadela das Crianças”, Maputo, “Escola Secundária No Caminho da Vitoria”, Maputo

Principal Partners: Ministry of Education and Human Development, Ministry of Women and Social Welfare

Other partners: City of Vienna, Commonwealth of Learning, Humana People to People member associations: Italy, Lithuania, Portugal.

Location: Manica and Maputo province and Maputo city.

70 Pre-Schools (ended in 2019)

During the early years of life, children need a supportive learning environment. This includes access to adequate healthcare, nutritious food, and a stimulating environment to support cognitive development.

70 Pre-Schools

One of the major challenge in achieving good results in primary education in Mozambique is the widespread absence of pre-school education and inability to speak Portuguese.

To address this, ADPP has implemented a pilot programme called “70 Pre-Schools” with the aim of promoting pre-primary education in 70 communities in Maputo province.

The project began in 2014 and ended in 2019 and benefitted 4,665 children, 980 parents and 770 members of Community Coordination Committees (CCCs)*. 70 pre-schools have been constructed and 280 facilitators have been trained. It has been shown that children who attend the 70 pre-schools learn faster than those who did not attend.

Promoting Inclusive Education

This project, funded by Light for the World, aims to promote inclusive education in Sofala and Manica provinces by strengthening the capacities of teachers in inclusive education, establishing a Resource Centre specialized in inclusive education and by strengthening inclusive education in Chimoio, through cooperation between the Teacher Training Colleges in Chimoio and Nhamatanda.

Promoting Inclusive Education

The Project has made great strides in promoting understanding of the concept of inclusive education and in increasing respect for the rights of people with disabilities.

In 2019, the trainings, the Braille clubs and field trips, benefited trainee teachers and 4 Teacher Trainers with new skills, practices, better attitudes and inspiration for inclusive education and for working with people with disabilities. Some of the new skills were reading in Braille, community-based rehabilitation, the development of didactic materials on disability, as well as how to deliver disability-sensitive pedagogy.


Full name of the Project: Promoting Inclusive Education 

Principal Partners: Light for the World

Location: Sofala, Manica provinces

Food For Knowledge

ADPP implemented this project in Maputo province, covering the districts of Manhiça, Matutuine, Moamba and Magude. The project direct benefits almost 90,000 children through interventions in 7 programme areas, namely: School Feeding, Literacy, School Gardens and School Farms, Water and Sanitation, Nutrition Education, Construction and Extra-Curricular Activities.

Food For Knowledge

School feeding is at the heart of the FFK project, and a critical aspect of the program, which aims, among others, to improving school attendance.

FFK also trained primary school teachers on methods of teaching literacy in local languages. Students participating in local language instruction performed significantly better when to those receiving only Portuguese instruction.

To date, the project has also successfully facilitated access to drinking water sources for all the 271 schools.

The project provided nutrition education to teachers, volunteers and students, which allowed the transfer of knowledge to students and communities, thus expanding the results of the project.


Full name of the Project: School Feeding Project through The McGovern-Dole International Food for Education And child Nutrition Programme under Planet Aid Inc. 

Principal Partners: Planet Aid with funding from USDA

Implementing partners: Cambridge Education, WISHH (World Initiative for Soy in Human Health)

Other partners: Ministry of Education and Human Development, Humana People to People member associations: Lithuania, Spain

Location: Maputo province

Mapunziro Improving education quality and inclusion in primary schools

Mapunziro means education – wisdom in local Chichewa language.

Mapunziro Improving education quality and inclusion in primary schools

This project aims to improve the quality of primary education in Zambézia, as well as students’ educational performance in 14 primary schools in the districts of Milange, Molumbo and Morrumbala.

    Initiated in 2019, the project is based on the ADPP Graduate Teachers Network and has 4 central aims:
  • Improving school management practices in the target schools
  • Improving of teachers’ pedagogical performance and gender response in target schools
  • Training students in target schools in actively speaking for themselves
  • Increasing community commitment to the principle of universal education for all, with an emphasis on the participation of girls.

In 2019, it trained 32 teachers in inclusive education, 168 school council representatives in school governance and established 14 sports and cultural clubs with the participation of 560 children. It also established 14 reading clubs to build 280 pupils’ competency in reading.


Full name of the Project: Improving Teaching Quality and Inclusion in Primary Schools 

Principal Partners: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland, UFF Finland

Location: Zambezia province

Apoiar a Ler

This project’s objective is to improve the quality of education and learning outcomes of over 300,000 children in 12 districts of Nampula province.

Apoiar a Ler

    This will be achieved through:
  • Raising parents / care givers and community awareness on the importance of local languages in reading, writing and mathematics in the first grades while also addressing gender inequality in education, and gender-based violence like early marriage at school and family levels;
  • Strengthening school councils’ role in holding teachers and school managers accountable for improved service delivery for improvements in reading instruction, reduction rates of teacher absenteeism, drop-out rates and increase girls’ attendance;
  • Mobilising community members to serve as Learning Passionates as change makers to mobilise and equip parents/educators and communities with tools and practical skills to become more involved in their children's learning
  • Providing local government with tools to better monitor and improve existing education systems, thereby accelerating results, enhancing impact and sustainability

 The  project "Apoiar a Ler" uses the think-cell tool that allows you to quickly develop professional looking presentations using PowerPoint. think-cell is free to the non-profit organisation and takes only a few minutes to learn, 70% less time to create graphics and 90% less time to make changes. If you would like to learn more about think-cell, visit the link

Full name of the Project:  “Apoiar a Ler”, Community Engagement in Bilingual Education Nampula) 

Principal Partner: USAID

Implementing partners: APRODER, h2n, Rovuma University

Location: Nampula province

Integrated Education Project in the Paquitequete Community in Pemba, Cabo Delgado

The intervention aims to ensure long-term quality educational and professional training for children and young people, in order to contribute to ensuring that all girls and boys in Paquitequete complete an equitable and quality primary and secondary education, leading their social and personal development.

It is expected that the project will improve school/learning performance of children, increase inclusive access to primary education and increase community awareness on the importance and sense of responsibility on multiple basic topics such as education, sports, environment, health & hygiene, gender rights, among others.


Full name of the Project: Integrated Education Project in the Paquitequete Community in Pemba, Cabo Delgado

Principal Partner: ENI Rovuma Basin B.V

Location: Cabo Delgado province

Holistic and integrated approach to Education in Palma District, Cabo Delgado

The project is a plan B aimed to contribute to a safe re-opening of 11 target schools in Palma as a counteraction to the adversities caused by the COVID–19 pandemic which closed all educational establishments countrywide.

Accordingly, the project will improve conditions for a safe re-opening of 11 schools in Palma-Sede, aligned with Decree 21/2020 which states that schools reopening is conditional to the creation of appropriate conditions. This will have a direct positive impact on the opportunity for children to return to school.

In collaboration with SDEJT, the project has designed 4 major activities that can be categorized under the umbrella of creating conditions for reopening schools safely. These are: 1) sanitation and hygiene (install water conditions and tip-taps, construct latrines, and provide hygiene materials); 2) awareness activities (Raising awareness to teachers, parents and guardians), 3) equipping schools for extra-curricular activities and recovering schools infrastructure.

In parallel, we are also doing literacy and numeracy classes for parents and community members; including basic financial literacy contents will be organized at schools.


Full name of the Project: Holistic and Integrated Approach to Education in Palma District, Cabo Delgado

Principal Partner: ExxonMobil Moçambique, Limitada

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Finland

Location: Cabo Delgado province

Graduate network CD (DAI)

The objective of the project is to empower 41 EPF Cabo Delgado graduates (most of whom are displaced) in strengthening community resilience at local level and enable vulnerable youth to resist extremism in Cabo Delgado Province.

It aims to develop an online platform to facilitate further training and tutoring of Graduates in peace education, conduction of community dialogues and focus groups, COVID19 prevention.

The graduates will conduct a rapid needs assessment conducted in target communities by graduates to inform the Phase II project.

The project’s activities include: creating a network of peers among graduates, developing a diagnostic tool to implement rapid assessment of needs in communities and finally conduct a diagnosis and produce recommendations for Phase II.


Full name of the Project: Teachers Graduate Network for Community Resilience

Principal Partner: DAI Global

Location: Cabo Delgado province


Stay On/Kushinga

In 2018 in Mozambique, 2.2 million people were living with HIV (PLHIV) but only 72% knew their status and only 56% were in treatment. There are 227 new HIV infections a day in the country and most are among adolescents. In Manica Province, the prevalence of HIV is 13.5%; and the average rate of retention to treatment is 67%.

Testagem Kushinga 2

This project aims to improve case detection of children living with HIV and their adherence to treatment in the districts of Bárue and Sussundenga by securing that at least 90% of the population at risk (0-14) and adolescent girls/young women (10-19) are tested for HIV and know their serological status; and that at least 90% of the target group living with HIV are in Care and Treatment.

In the field, we work in collaboration with local NGOs by testing women sex workers; conducting community and school campaigns; and doing home visits to identify OVCS to be referred to mobile brigades (HIV testing).

Mobile and girl brigades are also used to reach out to 10-19 year old girls and to mobilize children and mothers to be part of a TRIO and Positive Living Groups/Mother Groups.

 Full name of the Project: Together We Stay On

Principal Partner: Aidsfonds

Implementing partners: CIOB, KUYAKANA and OMES

Other partners: DPS, Direcção Distrital de Saúde de Barue, Health Units, CBO’, Humana People to People member associations: Lithuania.

Location: Manica


Full name of the Project: Kushinga

Principal Partner:  Aidsfonds with funding from ViiV Healthcare

Implementing partners: CIOB

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Lithuania. DPS, direcção distrital de Saúde de Barue e Sussundenga, Unidades sanitárias, CBO’s

Location: Manica

One Impact

The project adapts the OneImpact (digital) tool, currently being piloted by ADPP in Mozambique under the Stop TB Partnership, in 7 districts of Gaza Province. Using the OneImpact digital platform, we focus on improving TB patients’ experience during treatment. Based on the patients’ reporting on the digital platform the project addresses the issues/barriers raised by them.

One Impact

With strong focus on a people centered strategy, the project aligns with global agrrements that focus on, amongst others, community-based and gender-responsive health services; finding the missing people with tuberculosis, and increasing and improving access to tuberculosis services by considering how digital technologies could be integrated into existing health system infrastructures.

Therefore, we encourage people affected by TB to monitor the local TB response in order to strengthen the national TB response while increasing the voicing of their needs. Doing so, it provides a platform for responding to TB by listening to people affected by TB and responding to their needs.


Full name of the Project: Community Led Monitoring – One Impact Mozambique

Principal Partners: Stop TB Partnership with funds from UNOPS

Other partners: AMIMO           

Location: Maputo, Gaza, and Zambézia provinces.


The Service Delivery and Support Programme for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC) is a USAID-funded project led by Family Health International (FHI 360) that aims to improve the health, nutritional status and well-being of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) and their families. The programme also covers Adolescent Girls and Young Women (YWAM) with high vulnerability to HIV/AIDS infection. ADPP is an implementing partner and will work in Moamba, Marracuene, Manhiça and Magude districts, in Maputo province


DREAMS aims to: 1) HIV/AIDS prevention in adolescent girls and young women with high vulnerability to infection; and 2) reducing the economic vulnerability of young girls by supporting them to have access to financial products and services through savings groups, income generation activities, entrepreneurship and access to the employment market.

To implement this, DREAMS recruits Mentors to guide and support girls through discussions in safe spaces, advocate and facilitate access to relevant services, including the provision of individualised services to enable girls' reintegration and maintenance in school. We also carry out parental education sessions for caregivers of the girls who would benefit from the project

In addition, the project also liaises with the local health and other relevant services to refer adolescents for access to relevant services (YFHS, ACPE, etc.).

Total Control Of The Epidemic – TCE

Total Control of the Epidemic (TCE) approach is based on the principle that individual action, reinforced by government and civil organization efforts, are key to stopping an epidemic. TCE has been the slogan for ADPP’s HIV /an AIDS program since 2001 and at its forefront is the systematical engagement of people in the communities in gaining control over HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Total Controlo Da Epidemia - TCE

    Based on this principle, TCE uses different methodologies based on target groups:
  • Index case testing: traces sexual contacts and children of an HIV+ person. Once located, they are provided counseling and testing. The newly diagnosed HIV cases are then referred to a health facility to immediately start treatment and be supported with regular follow up visits and encouraged to form support groups for treatment adherence.
  • Key population: used to reach high-risk groups such as truck drivers, migrant workers, and female sex-workers. The interventions include peer-to-peer mobilization and education, counselling & testing, support groups with saving and loans activities, and improved access to health services.


TCE, HIV Community Testing

ADPP has implemented TCE, HIV community testing in 8 districts in Gaza province using the family approach since 2014.

TCE, HIV Community Testing

The family approach includes counselling and testing of all family members and sexual partners based on an index case strategy if one member in the family has already tested positive for HIV.

In 2019, through the index case strategy, the project expanded testing and treatment services to the family and close contacts of 70,000 people, of whom 8% were sexual partners, and 83% tested positive for HIV, 49% were direct family and 9% tested positive and 43% indirect family of which 8% tested HIV positive. The project reintegrated 5,208 patients who had abandoned treatment back on anti-retroviral treatment.


VIVA+ is a HIV Prevention, Gender Based Violence and Promotion of the Human Rights of Girls and Young Women project.


It aims to achieve HIV prevention among young girls between 10 and 14 years old, and young women between the ages of 15 and 24 years old.

The intervention offers a wide package of prevention services, which include: sexual and reproductive health, life skills, referral to “SAAJ” (Adolescent and Youth Friendly Services), screening for gender-based violence, human rights, family planning, condom distribution, referral to health services for counselling, community health testing and other health services.

In 2019 the project reached 116,000 girls with this package of services and nearly 30,000 received a follow up in Youth Friendly health Services. To further prevent HIV, the project distributed 1 million condoms and age appropriate condom education to young women giving them some leverage to negotiate safe sex with their partners.


Full name of the Project: HIV, TB and Advocacy Activities to Guarantee the Human Rights of Girls and Women, including GBV, in Southern Mozambique, Projecto VIVA+

Principal Partner:  FDC with funding from Global Fund

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Estonia, Italy, Norway.

Location: Maputo Province and Maputo city

HOPE (Index Case Testing)

HOPE is a project implemented in 7 districts of the provinces of Maputo and Cabo Delgado. The project seeks to reduce the risk of exposure to HIV by mobilizing individuals and communities in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

HOPE (Index Case Testing)

The project promotes free voluntary HIV counselling and testing with the aim to save lives among people living with HIV to start and stay on the lifelong treatment.

The project promotes free voluntary HIV counselling testing, counselling on adherence to Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART), contributing to treatment adherence and retention of newly enrolled patients. Additionally the project offers TB screening, screening for gender-based violence and malnutrition to further reduce HIV and TB infection and co-infections. Pregnant women, discordant couples and children, are prioritized as they are among the most vulnerable groups.

In 2019, the project tested 49,000 people, and identified 6,174 new PLHIV (14%), of whom 90% started treatment. In Maputo, the project reintegrated 60% of the 3,000 patients who had abandoned antiretroviral treatment.


Full name of the Project: Support Local Organizations in the Implementation and Expansion of HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (HOPE)

Principal Partner:  Ariel Glaser with funding from CDC

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Slovenia, Spain.

Location: Maputo and Cabo Delgado provinces

Key population: PASSOS

PASSOS is a project implemented in selected districts of 3 provinces: Gaza, Niassa and Zambezia. The project supports key populations, such as female sex workers, men who have sex with men and injecting drug users, to learn about their status and reduce the risk of new HIV infections among these high-risk groups and their sexual partners or clients.


Through mobilization, counseling and peer testing, the project identifies HIV+ female sex workers, their clients and children and incentives them to start treatment. In addition, the project collects the viral load status of patients who have been on treatment for more than six months to check the effectiveness of the treatment.

In 2019, the project reached 6,039 women sex workers with HIV prevention messages; 5,149 of them tested positive and 593 started treatment.


Full name of the Project: Integrated HIV Prevention and Health Services for Key and Priority Populations (HIS/KP-PASSOS) 

Principal Partners: FHI360 with funding from USAID

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Italy, Lithuania.

Location: Gaza, Zambezia, Niassa provinces

Total Control of TB

ADPP implemented a TB community screening project in Matola district in Maputo province that begun in the second quarter of 2019.

Total Control of TB

The main strategies used to find the missing TB cases is through contact investigation and active case finding in identified hot spots in the districts. The project’s activities provide care to all identified TB cases through DOT (Direct Observation and Treatment) and ensure all children under 5 receive treatment therapy as prevention.

In 2019, 7,660 persons with TB symptoms were reached and over 1,000 contacts of TB index case patients were screened and referred for testing at the health facilities.  More than 900 TB positive cases were identified and immediately integrated on treatment.


Full name of the Project: Strengthen the National Response to HIV and TB in Mozambique through an Effective Partnership between the Government and Civil Society.

Principal Partner: Centro de Colaboração em Saúde (CCS)

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Slovania, Spain.

Location: Maputo province and Maputo city

Total Control of TB Active Case Findings and Contact Investigation

The Total Control of TB project is implemented in 7 districts in Gaza province.

Total Control of TB Active Case Findings and Contact Investigation

The aim of the project is to increase TB case detection and achieve successful treatment of all TB cases in the 7 districts. The approach includes contact investigation of all diagnosed TB cases; screening their contacts; active case findings in the community through door-to-door and collection of sputum samples; systematic follow up on suspects negative cases for 2 years; provision of DOT for all patients on treatment and ensuring children and pregnant women receive treatment.

In 2019, through 80 activists, the project screened 57,700 members of mining communities for TB.  1,300 TB cases were detected and 830 of the patients were given support to form a TRIO (where patients nominate 2 supporters from their family who will help them stay on treatment).

The TRIO support structure has been critical for treatment adherence and treatment success rates as it provides a safe and non-judgemental “space” for the patients to receive psycho-social support that encourages them to take their medication.


Full name of the Project: NGO Services to Implement Active Search and Investigation of Tuberculosis Contacts in the province of Gaza

Principal Partners: The Ministry of Health with funding from the World Bank

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: UFF Finland 

Location: Gaza province

Challenge TB

Challenge TB has been under implementation since 2017 in 10 districts of Zambézia and Nampula provinces with the aim to reduce the impact of TB.

Challenge TB

This was achieved through promotion of preventive methods, treatment and quality care. TB cases were detected through door-to-door awareness and verbal screening and cough days, in support of the national TB program.

When the project ended in the first quarter of 2019, nearly 15,000 people were screened for TB, with 2,500 suspect cases found and 1,700 tested. This resulted in the identification of 500 TB cases, which were referred for treatment, achieving a 100% cure.

Mozambique Local TB Response

In September 2019, ADPPP was awarded a 5 year contract by USAID to implement a TB Response in 50 districts in the provinces of Nampula, Sofala, Tete and Zambézia in partnership with the Mozambican National TB Program.

Local TB

It will mobilize local entities and communities to provide quality tuberculosis services, improve the quality of patient-centered TB care, increase diagnosis of Drug-Sensitive and Drug-Resistant TB cases and improve the treatment success rates.

A consortium of five organizations is implementing the project, with ADPP as the lead organisation.  This is a key achievement for ADPP, a demonstration of the fruits of years of investing in institutional strengthening. 

A successful launch was held in October, with participation of strategic and key stakeholders, such as the National TB Program, provincial government authorities, and Provincial Health Directorates, showing support and interest in the project, which is a critical indicator for later project success.


Full name of the Project: Mozambique Local TB Response

Principal Partner: USAID

Implementing partners: FHI360, ComuSanas, Kupulumussana, DIMAGI, Lúrio University

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Lithuania, Portugal

Location: Nampula, Zambezia, Sofala, Tete Provinces

Malaria Prevention Project

ADPP has a partnership agreement with World Vision to implement “Accelerating and Strengthening the Quality of Malaria Control Interventions in Mozambique”. The project aims to increase to 100% the access to at least one malaria prevention method in Nampula and Niassa Provinces.

Malaria Prevention Project

Main Activities

Malaria Prevention is a community-based project, which activities consist of raising awareness for behaviour change about malaria. The project engages community leaders, volunteers, teachers, students, APSs, Community Health Committees in the dissemination of the key messages about malaria prevention, transmission, signs and symptoms and the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. These activities are carried out during the awareness campaign, home visits for demand creation and through community radio programs and people implement these messages in their households. And to ensure effective malaria prevention, besides access to essential information about malaria, people have access to mosquito nets treated with the long-lasting insecticide that the project distributes in the communities together with the local government.

Full name of the Project: Accelerating and Strengthening the Quality of Malaria Control Interventions in Mozambique

Principal Partner:  World Vision with funding from Global Fund

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, USA

Location: Nampula, Niassa provinces

MOSASWA and Elimination 5

This regional project was another opportunity for ADPP to reaffirm its ability to lead an international consortium of civil society organizations.

MOSASWA and Elimination 5

The project began in August 2016 and covered 3 countries – Mozambique, South Africa and Eswatini (MOSASWA) This was later extended to 3 other countries in May 2017 and was renamed to Elimination 5 (Botswana, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe with Mozambique).

In 2018, ADPP scaled down the management of this project in 6 countries and used 2019 to support the 5 countries to hand over this intervention to their Ministries of Health and national health services.

The project created malaria control posts and carried out diagnosis, treatment and community outreaches in the border areas, with the aim of supporting efforts to eliminate malaria in southern Africa by 2030. This included tracking malaria across the borders.

In 2019, 102,000 people were tested and treated 8,100 patients according to Ministry of Health guidelines.

Transform Nutrition

ADPP has an Award Agreement with USAID to implement the Transform Nutrition (TN) project designed to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls and children under two years of age in 12 districts of Nampula (Angoche, Lalaua, Larde, Meconta, Mecuburi, Memba, Mongicual, Mogovolas, Mossuril, Murrupula, Nacala Porto and Rapale), and covers 80% of the target population.  

Transform Nutrition

The overall goal of Transform Nutrition is to provide the Government of the Republic of Mozambique (GRM) with a tested, holistic and gender-transformative model for achieving improvements in nutritional outcomes for Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW), Adolescent Girls (AGs), and Children Under 2 years of age (CU2). 

The project’s overall objective is to improve, the nutritional status of 118,000 PLW, 260.000 AGs, and 165,000 CU2 in Nampula Province for the five-year implementation period. However, TN project was awarded an extension period of performance by Nine (9) months from September 2024 to June 2025.

The projected extension period of performance by Nine (9) months (September 2024 to June 2025), will bolster behaviour change in the main target groups of the project, to allow TN to strengthen local capacity and to hand over the interventions to the local government in sustainable manner, the extension period is being implemented in a consortium with one (1) partner: Asssociação h2n, with ADPP as the lead.  

Full name of the Project: Transform Nutrition 

Principal Partner: USAID

Implementing partners: FHI360, h2n, Rovuma University

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: Finland, Lithuania, USA

Location: Nampula province

Catalyze Community-Led Monitoring (CLM)

ADPP has a contract with the CDC for the implementation of the Catalyzer Project over a period of five years. The project's goal is to increase the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of HIV, TB, and health services through innovative, community-led approaches that will identify and address barriers to healthcare services and social obstacles that prevent people with HIV and TB from accessing healthcare and exercising their right to health. Catalisar works with populations affected by HIV and TB, local civil society, and the government at all levels, utilizing the CLM process.


The project uses the innovative digital solution CLM (OneImpact) as a tool to capture and document feedback from users of HIV and TB services, primarily from people affected by HIV and TB. This feedback is used to advocate for the improvement of quality HIV and TB services, thereby reducing stigma and discrimination at both the health facility and community levels.

Catalyzer will strengthen the capacity of four local civil society organizations, including other CSOs to be contracted for the three extension districts (Monapo, Ribaué, and Naca-a-Velha), to use the CLM approach and digital platform for continuous documentation and subsequent resolution of barriers at the community, health facility, district, provincial, and central levels. Catalisar operates in eight districts, namely: Nampula, Rapale, Nacala-Porto, Mossuril, Ilha de Moçambique, Monapo, Ribaué, and Naca-a-Velha, covering 30 health facilities and working with 60 activists, 10 per health facility. The project will also involve 7 CLM Leaders and 2 Capacity Building Officers.

Project name: Catalyze Community-Led Monitoring (CLM)

Implementation Partners: various local community organizations, including Okhapelela, Ovarelelana, Hooty Mozambique, and AMOLETU/ADN. 

Project Duration: September 30, 2023, to September 29, 2024 (Year 1 of a 5-year project)

Implementation Area: Nampula Province, districts of Nampula, Meconta, and Rapale

Donor: CDC Mozambique

Tsogolo Tsicana

The Tsogolo Tsicana Project, is implemented by ADPP Mozambique in partnership with the Government of Flanders. ADPP signed a contract with Flanders for the first time in 2022. The contract lasts for four years. The main objective of the project is to increase access to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) for Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), including maternal and neonatal health, with specific attention to vulnerable groups. Over four years, the Tsogolo Tsicana Project aims to: (1) Delay early pregnancies and child marriages to improve adolescent health; (2) Increase the number of AGYW who complete their education and are empowered to make informed decisions about their lives; (3) Improve the provision of quality health services for AGYW and children; (4) Strengthen health services to provide quality care for AGYW and children.


Tsogolo Tsicana is being implemented in Moatize, Changara, and Tete City, in Tete Province, working with 8 health units. The primary goal is to reach 15,200 adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) and their families, engaging them in activities that empower them to achieve better health and well-being for themselves and their children. To reach AGYW, we involve and train mentors who are forming and leading Girls' Clubs (570 clubs – 4 years) for adolescent girls aged 9 to 17 years and 190 Mothers' Clubs (190 clubs, aged 18 to 24 years). The mentors are also forming rotating savings and credit groups (RSCGs) for girls aged 18 to 24 to increase their economic autonomy and reduce dependence on others. AGYW living with HIV are receiving consented home support visits and are invited to form a TRIO to support adherence to ART.

Project name: - Tsogolo Tsicana

Main Partner: Government of Flanders

Implementing Partners: Partnership with GCR (Girl Child Rights)

Project duration: April 2023 to March 2027

Implementation Area: Tete province, Changara Moatize districts and Tete city

Empowering Women and Girls

This project is being implemented by ADPP and funded by the Commonwealth of Learning Canada, in the districts of Manhiça and Marracuene, in Maputo province. Its central aim is to strengthen the capacity of women and girls to claim their rights and challenge social norms that perpetuate gender inequality and gender-based violence.

Empoderamento da rapariga

The implementation period will be between 2023 and 2025, in a country where the prevalence of early and forced unions reaches worrying levels, and many girls suffer different forms of violence. In addition, there is limited access to health services and public protection.

The project seeks to provide better livelihood opportunities and increase access to secondary and vocational education for women and girls, including those with disabilities. With multi-level interventions, the initiative aims to achieve poverty reduction and ensure that women and girls become active members of their communities, with dignity and autonomy.

Through trainings, community sensitisations and advocacy, the project plans to positively impact around 50,000 community members, empower community leaders and civil society organisations to support gender equality, and create platforms to advocate for the application of laws that protect women's rights.


Viva+ is a project implemented by ADPP in partnership with FDC (Foundation for Community Development) in 4 districts of Maputo Province (Manhiça, Marracuene, Matola and Boane), with funding from the Global Fund. The Viva+ project covers adolescent girls, boys, young women and men aged 10-14, 15-19 and 20-24, both in and out of school, with the main aim of increasing their knowledge of sexual and reproductive health, HIV prevention and skills that can contribute to reducing the risk and vulnerability of being infected with HIV, as well as supporting access to health services and legal assistance when necessary.

Viva Mais FDC

The main activities include (1) Promoting Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC), through counselling sessions in the community and schools; (2) Group education sessions for girls and boys (10-14; 15-19 years) in school on sexual and reproductive health, HIV, STIs, self-assessment of risk and access to prevention services and methods, (3) Group education sessions for girls and boys (20-24 years) outside school on sex education, including knowledge of STIs, HIV, self-assessment of risk and access to prevention services and methods; (4) Distribution of condoms to adolescents and young women (15-24) and sensitisation on their correct and consistent use; (5) Referral of adolescents and young people to Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health Services; (6) Identification and referral of sexually active adolescent girls (15-24) to start Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP); (8) Promotion of male involvement in efforts against gender inequalities and gender-based violence, through counselling sessions in schools and the community (9) Human rights education sessions in communities; (10) Community dialogues to discuss different issues that negatively affect the health of adolescent girls in communities (stigma, discrimination, gender-based violence, early marriage, early pregnancy, STIs, HIV, etc. ); (11) Screening cases of gender-based violence (GBV) and other forms of violence and referring cases to the appropriate services (health and legal services).

Full project name: Viva+

Main Partner: Global Fund 

Implementing Partner: FDC

Duration: 3 years (2024-2026)

Location: Maputo Province

TCE TB Matola

The TCE TB Matola project results from a partnership agreement between ADPP and CCS (Health Collaboration Center) to implement the TCE TB Matola project in the Matola district, Maputo province, with funding from the Global Fund. The TCE TB-Matola project aims to find people with TB, initiate and complete treatment until cured, and ensure that people living with HIV and co-infected with TB adhere to both treatments. The project is implemented in the Matola district, Maputo province.


The project collaborates with 17 Health Facilities in Matola to ensure that all people with signs and symptoms of TB are tested and initiate treatment in case of a positive result. Community members are mobilized to learn more about the risks of TB and HIV through health promotion campaigns and Community Dialogues. The project focuses on early TB detection through contact screening and systematic screening of all neighboring households of persons diagnosed with TB, including collecting sputum samples from people with TB symptoms. The samples are delivered and analyzed at nearby Health Facilities. For all those who test positive for TB, activists provide treatment support under direct observation (DOT-C, Direct Observation of Community Treatment).

The project also conducts tracing of patients who have interrupted treatment to reintegrate them into care and treatment, providing support until completion.

Full project name: Viva+
Partners: Global Fund/CCS (Health Collaboration Center)

Duration: 1 year
Location: Maputo Province



The Sustain Producers Clubs in Tete province has been working with fisher communities along the Cahora Bassa dam in the districts of Magoe and Cahora Bassa.

Producers’ Clubs (SUSTAIN)

Around 300 fishermen have been trained in sustainable fishing methods, fishermen associations have been established, processing of fish has been introduced and 3 have received fiberglass boats and fishing equipment so they can reach further out on the lake and catch bigger fish. The big challenge for the fishermen is sales, because they don’t have cooling facilities and therefore sell for very low prices.

Thus, this project will enhance the empowerment and capacity of fishing communities for sustainable resources management. Improve integration of fishing groups into value chains through market-related infrastructure and investments to ensure good quality fish handling and marketing under hygienic conditions. And increase access to drinking water for human consumption and productive use, and sanitation.


Full name of the Project: Promotion of sustainable small scale fisheries in Cahora Bassa and Magoe Districts (Ecofish)

Principal Partner: EU

Implementing partners: IDEPA, The Institute for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development

Other partners: The Federation Humana People to People

Location: Tete province

Livelihood and economic recovery for farmer households in Nhamatanda

In March 2019 the livelihoods of the farmers in Nhamatanda District, Sofala, were severely affected by cyclone IDAI. The post disaster assessment (2019) estimated 1 190 596 people were affected only in Sofala province. Agriculture was the most affected sector.

Farmers’ Clubs Nhamatanda

The main objective of the project was to settle, through a community-driven approach, recovery activities focused on strengthening livelihoods resilience and sustainable economic recovery, while promoting gender equality, inclusiveness, and green growth.

It targeted a total of 3,000 households (15,000 people) by working with 52 existing farmer groups living in the Indeja Resettlement Centre. At least 50% of the target farmers are women.

The support to farmer groups included seed distribution, technical assistance and training in sustainable production techniques and in production of horticulture and installation of low cost irrigation systems powered by solar energy.

To diversify family incomes, the project has also supported groups of women in developing income generation activities/ micro enterprises in processing and in sales of horticulture or second-hand clothes on local markets.

Training in business skills were also developed especially as ADPP has developed simple market spaces in nearby districts Lamego and Tica, with funding from ExxonMobil, that farmers and women entrepreneurs can use to generate extra incomes.

All project trainings respected COVID-19 prevention measures.


Full name of the Project: Livelihood and economic recovery for farmer households in Nhamatanda

Principal Partner:  UNDP Recovery Facility with 10 bilateral donors

Other partners:  Humana People to People member associations: Austria, Finland

Location: Sofala province

Food Security - Agriculture and livelihoods’ recovery in Nhamatanda, Sofala province 

Cyclone Idai brought destruction and damage to Sofala, Manica, Tete, Zambézia and Inhambane provinces on March 2019. The cyclone was followed by floods, resulting in an estimated 1.85 million people needing urgent humanitarian assistance and protection.

Sustainable energy for all in Mozambique

Nhamatanda district was one of the most affected areas in Sofala province. As 90% of its households rely on agriculture as their main livelihood, the communities were in urgent need of recovering their food Security through a life-sustaining assistance by rebuilding their own lives, producing their own food and ensuring that everyone have access to enough food and well-being.

For that, the project has restored local community food production fields and market so that farmers can better sell their products; trained community members on women economic empowerment; and promoted good public health practices in the community;

This was done by providing agricultural inputs; helping the start of community rotating savings and loans; training community farmers on agribusiness; and conducting community health behavior change communication campaigns.


Full name of the Project: Resilient Farmers’ Club in Nhamatanda 

Principal Partner:  ExxonMobil Moçambique  Limitada,

Yara International ASA

Location: Tica and Nhamatanda, Sofala province,

Other Partners: Humana People to People member associations: Austria and  Finland

Location: Sofala province

Itoculo Cashew and Rural Development Center

Cashew is the only source of revenue production in Itoculo.

Itoculo Cashew and Rural Development Center

Cashew and Rural Development Center in Itoculo is running a cashew plantation, a cashew nut and a cashew juice processing units as well as a training center for local producers of cashew in Itoculo, Monapo District.

Both producing and processing have been part of the centers’ main activities in 2019.

The production of cashew, processing of its derivatives and training of the local small producers in good practices are the main activities for income of the cashew center.

Organic cashew production with natural pesticide is a new method that ADPP started in April 2018 aiming at reducing the use of chemicals for the treatment of cashew trees. This practice was also introduced to small producers as a way to improve the quality of production, productivity and profitability within families. Associated with this practice, the Itoculo Cashew Center hosts the production of certified cashew nuts (Polyclonal Seeds) for sowing in its plantation and for sale to other producers.


Full name of the Project: Itoculo Cashew and Rural Development Center

Principal Partner: Incaju, Institute for promotion of Cashew

Other partners: Humana People to People member associations: HPP Austria

Location: Nampula province

Reducing rural poverty and inequalities in the district of Mocuba

Full project name: Reducing rural poverty and inequalities in the Mocuba district

Main partner: MFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland

Location: Zambézia Province

Clube de Agricultores Mocuba

The Reduction of Rural Poverty and Inequalities in Mocuba District’ project, implemented in Zambézia province between 2023 and 2026, aims to improve the living conditions of small farmers and their families by promoting food security and access to economic and social resources. The initiative is funded by the MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland) in partnership with UFF Finland, with the aim of training 1,000 families to adopt conservation agriculture practices, where more than 50 per cent of the beneficiaries are women and 20 per cent young people under the age of 20.

The project operates in three administrative posts in Mocuba, namely Namanjavira, Mocuba-sede and Mugeba, focusing on diversifying and increasing sustainable agricultural production, access to markets and financial resources, and promoting good hygiene and sanitation practices. In addition, there is a strong social inclusion component, which supports women, young people and people with disabilities to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives and communities.

Among the main goals are: creating 20 demonstration fields, planting 20,000 trees, training 1,000 farmers in planning and business, as well as training 60 women and young people in income generation. The project also fosters improved sanitation conditions and infrastructure resilience to climate change, promoting the general well-being of rural communities.

This integrated effort between agricultural development, financial empowerment and improved sanitation contributes to poverty reduction and the promotion of equal opportunities in the Mocuba district, directly benefiting thousands of people and strengthening local communities for a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Community Demand Driven Fund

The COMMUNITY DEMAND DRIVEN FUND (CDDF) project, financed by the World Bank through UNOPS and the FNDS, is being implemented in the regions of Angoche, Larde, Moma and Mossuril in the province of Nampula, with a budget of $9,585,000 and a duration of 26 months (from 16 February 2024 to 31 March 2026). The project is led by ADPP in consortium with NCBA CLUSA and aims to improve access to livelihood opportunities for 19,750 vulnerable families by promoting the sustainable management of natural resources.

Clube de Agricultores Nhamatanda

The CDDF aims to contribute to improving access to livelihood opportunities for vulnerable communities and natural resource management in selected rural areas of northern Mozambique. In addition, the project aims to mitigate the impacts of competition for natural resources and the pressure generated by climate variability. This objective will be achieved through four components, namely (1) Livelihoods and Community Infrastructure, (2) Natural Resource Management, (3) Multi-actor Coordination and Project Management and (4) Emergency Contingency Response.

The aim of the CDDF is to support 79 communities in developing community agendas and implementing projects that improve sustainable and resilient livelihoods.

At the end of its implementation, it is expected that governance and financial management capacity and economic sustainability will have been increased for the 79 vulnerable local communities; access to sustainable livelihood opportunities will have been improved for the 79 vulnerable local communities; and the sustainable management of natural resources by the 79 vulnerable local communities will have been improved, contributing to the sustainability of their livelihoods.

Humanitarian aid

Dislocated populations in Cabo Delgado 

Decent life for families displaced due to the armed conflict in Cabo Delgado.

The province of Cabo Delgado faces challenges of rising violent extremism, along the porous border with Tanzania. Since October 5, 2017, the districts of Mocímboa da Praia, Palma, Macomia, Nangade, Muidumbe, Mueda, Quissanga and Metuje have experienced dozens of separate violent extremist incidents involving suspected Islamist militants.

Apoio a familias deslocadas cabo delgado

In 2020 the terrorist groups have moved from peripheral areas to attack and take over district capitals. The fighting has resulted in the loss of lives, destruction of housing and crops by the local communities and alarming numbers of internally displaced people.

In the first phase the project intends to reach out to 1,632 displaced families in Montepuez and 261 in Chiure with humanitarian emergency support and some basic means to establish their livelihoods in the new locations. The humanitarian support will include the distribution of food and clothes packages.


Full name of the Project: Support to Internally Displaced People in Cabo Delgado in Chiure & Montepuez 

Principal Partner:  World Jewish Relief, START FUND

Implementing Partner:  Action Aid,  INGC, Fundação Wiwanana

Location:  Cabo Delgado province

Covid-19 Prevention in Cabo Delgado

Over 2.2 million people live in the province of Cabo Delgado in Mozambique. A province that has been hit by a wave of violence since October 2017, and which escalated significantly since January 2020. This is causing over 50,000 people displaced and in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.


Access to primary health care in Cabo Delgado is a challenge, because health workers are fleeing for safety; as health facilities are being destroyed or vandalized across the province. This is worsened by the COVID-19 outbreak, which placed, at some point, Cabo Delgado on top of the confirmed infections.

The project has trained 50 community health agents to fill the gap of health professionals to reach out into the communities with COVID-19 awareness; and linking contacts of positive cases with the COVID-19 testing Lab in Pemba. The training materials are from the Ministry of Health, and will follow approved national protocols on COVID-19 prevention. The project will also distribute 2,000 facemasks and WASH materials and 100 hoes of several seeds, crucial to the survival of the displaced people.

The trained community agents engaged in COVID-19 awareness campaigns, benefitted not only these beneficiaries but also others within the targeted communities by promoting correct use of face masks, regular hand washing and observing social distancing levels.


Full name of the Project: COVID-19 prevention among Internally Displaced People in Chiure and Metuge

Principal Partner:  World Jewish Relief, START FUND

Implementing Partner:  Action Aid

Location:  Cabo Delgado province

Covid-19 prevention in Nhamatanda 

This project responds to COVID-19 in Nhamatanda district. Prevention of COVID-19 has not reached the majority of this area, because most pamphlets distributed in urban areas. Thus, rural communities, such as Nhamatanda, lacked this information, especially in their languages.

The project trained 5 activists and 2team leader in covid prevention. Special attention was given to women, children and elder people, securing that they are reached by the messages. Women headed households, families with under 5 years’ old children or elder people of above 60 were given priority.

In addition, the project purchased WASH materials (buckets and soap) that were used in trainings explaining that those who do not have soap can use ash as recommended by the Ministry of health.

The most vulnerable 400 households received buckets, soap, disinfectant and masks after they received awareness and training. The activists used Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), such as, disinfectants, masks and gloves during the activities.


COVID-19 prevention in Manica 

ADPP and partners support primary schools in Manica province for safe retorn of classes.

This project aims to address two clear issues in Manica province: the disruption of children’s education and the disruption of livelihoods for vulnerable families.


The project targets 4,000 students and 800 families to benefit by being provided with COVID-19 safety packs for school children, sensitization and awareness campaigns on Covid-19 prevention measures that involve students and their families, installing water tanks and hand washing apparatuses at schools, and providing agricultural livelihood inputs for some particularly in-need families.

The project will target beneficiaries in Manica provinces whose education and livelihoods were severely disrupted by Cyclone Idai and then further disrupted by the arrival of the COVID-19, compounding their already difficult circumstances.

To address the issue of children’s education, the project will ensure that when schools are scheduled to re-open in February 2021, the children are able to mitigate the risk of spreading COVID-19 among their classmates and their families.


Full name of the Project: Helping Schools in Manica and Sofala to prevent the spread of COVID-19 

Principal Partner:  World Jewish Relief, START FUND

Implementing Partner:  Action Aid, District Services of Education, Youth and Technology

Location: Manica province

Rebuilding ADPP SECOND HAND’S infrastructures

In the outskirts of Beira city warehouses, a processing unit and other infrastructure of ADPP Second Hand were severely impacted.

The damages wrought to the buildings and clothes in stock were overwhelming. In response, ADPP Taskforce of volunteers from other projects was organized to start the rebuilding of the center, while the administration and project leadership moved to other places to ensure the continuation of the clothes and shoes sales in areas of the country not directly impacted by the cyclone. Workers from the sorting center and the Taskforce joined hands and cleaned up the place, constructing makeshift covered areas, which made it possible to restart the production after a few weeks. When the situation was stable, the project leadership and administration teams moved back to their place of work, while the recovery work continued for the rest of the year.

Reconstruction of ADPP´s school center

When the ADPP Teacher Training College and the Vocational school in Nhamatanda were flooded, the entire population of students, teachers and community members had to run for their lives, leaving everything behind.

After the first responders announced that the most feared scenario was unfolding, ADPP Taskforce from Chimoio went into action. They worked tirelessly in the days following, and managed to get school staff and students to safe ground.

All affected students and teachers were moved to another ADPP educational centers

When it was safe to, the school center was cleaned up and it was scary to see that the water had reached the ceiling in some places. Using various sources of funds, including from the insurance company and some donations, a part of the reconstruction and refurbishing was executed in 2019.  Before the end of the year the students could return back to the center and write their exams.

Start Over Again

One of the projects under implementing in Nhamatanda district was supporting 2.250 farmers. and was in the final stages of implementation.

It had contributed to significantly improved livelihoods of the farmers. However, the tremendous strength of the floods annihilated everything in its path resulting in at least 75% of the farmers and entire communities losing almost everything: crops, belongings and shelter. With support from some partners and well-wishers ADPP launched a “Start over Again” campaign which facilitated needed support for community members and farmers in order to restore their agricultural production and livelihoods.

Among these, were the 2.250 farmers who towards the end of the year were reporting improvements in their food security, as they had started, step by step to recover their livelihoods.

Emergency food assistance and wash in Nhamatanda 

Heavy rains and storms have been impacting the regions of Nhamatanda, Maringué, Gorongosa, Buzi, Caia and Cheringoma, in mid February 2020, leading to flooding which has affected 14.319 households or 71,000 persons.


World Jewish Relief made a “Start Fund Alert” to provide emergency relief to the affected communities, specifically to elderly people, pregnant and lactating women, people with disabilities and young girls.

ADPP Mozambique implemented the project in Nhamatanda and Maringué districts. These are the same communities who also got affected by the tropical Cyclone IDAI, in February 2019, where they lost everything: shelter, land, crops and, clothes and other belongings and even their lives. These communities still haven’t been able to build back their livelihood, but many had already planted new crops.

The project distributed Family Food Packages for 700 families in Nhamatanda and 800 in Marínguè districts and Hygiene for 300 families in Maringue enough for an average family of five (5) during one month.

This allowed us to relief from hunger and deprivation 1,500 families from the districts of Nhamatanda and Maringue, and implemented WASH campaigns to reduce the burden of the water borne diseases in the resettlement areas.


Full name of the  Project: Emergency food assistance and WASH in Nhamatanda and Maringue

Principal Partner:  World Jewish Relief, START FUND

Implementing Partner: Action Aid, INGC

Location: Sofala Province

Humanitarian Action in Maputo Province

ADPP Mozambique is implementing a project called "Humanitarian Action in Maputo Province" which will benefit a total of 590 families and 3,250 schoolchildren in Maputo province over 9 months, in a partnership with the Pueblo for Pueblo Foundation, officially launched on June 1, 2024, in the city of Matola.

Lançamento Emergência

This project essentially aims to help improve the living conditions of the people affected by Tropical Cyclone Severo Filipo, by distributing clothing kits, food and hygiene kits to the families who were sheltered in the reception centers in the districts of Bunhiça, Fomento, Nkobe, Nwamatibjana, Sikwama and Tsalala.

The project will provide school, teaching and hygiene materials to 3,250 pupils and 100 teachers, covering a total of 11 schools; it will also restore learning spaces by renovating 5 classrooms, 6 latrines and 6 water systems; and it will create and revitalize 14 Disaster Risk Reduction and Child Protection Committees in the aforementioned neighbourhoods.

This project is being implemented by ADPP Mozambique in coordination with the Provincial Directorate for Gender, Children and Social Action; the Provincial Directorate for Education and the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD); and with funding from the Pueblo for Pueblo Foundation.