

ADPP projects reached six million people in 2020


With 39 years in Mozambique working in community development projects, ADPP and its partners have implemented over 60 projects in the areas of Quality Education, Health and Welfare and Sustainable Agriculture and Environment by 2020.

The latest activity report released this morning by ADPP indicates that overall, in the reporting period, a total of 5,991,600 people were reached by the programmes and projects carried out in the three areas of intervention.

IMG 6168

In the reporting period, ADPP's activities took into account the adversities imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the armed conflicts in the central and northern regions of the country, which required greater dedication and intensification of interventions with the communities, because their consequences have a huge impact on the lives of millions of people in the affected areas. 

In the area of Quality Education, the main highlight is the graduation of 1,590 new primary school teachers, bringing the total to 22,530 teachers who have graduated from the Schools for the Teachers of the Future since 1993. Still in the area of education, of the total 361,354 people reached by educational programs, 90,000 children benefited from a daily meal under the School Meals Project in Maputo Province and 435 distance learning students attended different higher education courses at the Higher Institute of Education and Technology - ISET-One World.

In health projects, ADPP has emphasized the prevention and control of communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The organization was also committed to improving nutrition, especially among children under five, adolescent girls and women. In all, 1.7 million people benefited from these health services.

For the development of agriculture, support continued to be provided to small-scale farmers to achieve sustainable food production. The organisation was supporting 3,000 farmers in Sofala province who benefited from a facilitation and recovery programme, responding to the needs of 500 fishermen in Tete province and, promoted the training of 1500 cashew producers in the improvement of cashew growth and organised sales.

In the period under review, the report notes that the activities extended to humanitarian aid actions in response to various natural disasters exacerbated by climate change. In this area, ADPP provided economic and social recovery assistance to a total of 32,415 people with various inputs, including family food packages, seeds and hygiene kits, and also reached 650,000 people with prevention messages against COVID-19 in Sofala, Manica and Cabo Delgado provinces.

The results achieved during the 2020 exercise reaffirm the commitment of the organization in fighting for its objectives and reaching the greatest possible number of beneficiaries through its projects, always in close collaboration with its partners and the government of Mozambique at all levels.   

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