



School feeding gives life to the "Philip Samuel Magaia" community

Filipe Samuel Magaia é uma pequena povoação no interior do distrito da Manhiça, a 120 km da cidade de Maputo.

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Since 2012, the School Feeding project “Food for Knowledge” (FFK), implemented by ADPP and Planet Aid with the support of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), has distributed 75,463,949 for 88,100 children from 271 schools in the districts of Manhiça, Magude, Moamba and Matutuine.
ADPP in partnership with the World Jewish Relief and Action Aid with financial support from the “Start Fund” is implementing a project called “Emergency Response to floods in Sofala in 2020” which aims to support the communities affected by heavy rains that affected the regions of nhamatanda, Maringue, Gorongosa, Buzi and Caia Cheringoma in Sofala province, leading to floods that hit 14,319 families.
Under the slogan “Shared and Cross-border Languages”, the International Mother Language Day was celebrated on February 21, with central ceremonies taking place at the Complete Primary School of Mudada, Matutuine district, Maputo Province.
The Minister of Education and Human Development, Carmelita Namashulua defended last Friday that bilingual education has contributed to school success in schools where this type of teaching is implemented.

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