

ADPP at the International AIDS Conference 2020


Under the theme “Improving HIV case detection and treatment initiation among female sex workers in Mozambique: Results of a project in Niassa, Gaza and Zambezia provinces”, ADPP will share with the Conference participants the success it is having in implementing the PASSOS project, implemented in collaboration with FHI360 and funded by the United States Agency for International Development, USAID.

As a subrecipient of the FHI360 PASSOS project, ADPP Mozambique is responsible for increasing access to and acceptance of HIV services for female sex workers in the 3 provinces, especially HIV testing and treatment initiation.

Before the introduction of new HIV screening tools and additional support for treatment initiation, the HIV screening component of the project had a positive rate of 12% (in 2017) and 6% (in 2018) and a treatment initiation rate of 65% (in 2017) and 77% (in 2018) among female sex workers found to be HIV+.

The project has adopted a targeted approach to reach high-risk groups such as sex workers and vulnerable communities such as truckers, migrants, miners, girls and women. The service package included various HIV prevention methodologies and tools, their linkage to STIs, HIV and TB consultations, partner management, stigma reduction and livelihood support for target community members.

Although the country and the world are facing a crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ADPP has continued to work hard to ensure that beneficiaries of health projects continue to receive the care needed to improve their living and health conditions.

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