



The ADPP-Kushinga project started last week the distribution of basic baskets to orphans and vulnerable children in response to the damage caused by Cyclone Freddy, which hit some provinces in the Centre of the country at the beginning of the year.

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In this first phase, the project is covering about 99 orphaned and vulnerable children whose relatives lost their lives due to HIV/AIDS, with the forecast of extending in the coming days to the Administrative Posts of Dombe and Rotanda, where a total of 279 beneficiaries will be covered.In this project that runs until October this year, 200 families living with orphaned and vulnerable children will also benefit from a month's subsidy of 1,596 and 100 families will benefit from vegetable seeds.

The wife of the Administrator of Sussundenga, Sofia Fulede thanked ADPP Kushinga for this project which she said will minimise the suffering of children who will see their loved ones lose their lives to AIDS.

Sofia Fulede also urged the caregivers of children to make good use of the products now distributed to combat chronic malnutrition and through the seeds distributed to bet on the cultivation of vegetables to improve their family income.

Fulede appealed to parents and carers to join the government's efforts to combat premature unions in order to ensure that the girl has a better and brighter future.

It should be noted that in addition to orphaned and vulnerable children, some adolescent girls will also benefit from the basic baskets consisting of 10kg of rice and flour, a bar of soap, 2kg of sugar, 2l of oil, 1kg of salt, 5kg of beans, certainty for water purification and vegetable seeds.

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