ADPP programs are designed to empower individuals, families and communities to make positive changes in their lives, through local capacity building and an integrated approach to development that links education, health and community development

ADPP Mozambique

ADPP programs are designed to empower individuals, families and communities to make positive changes in their lives, through local capacity building and an integrated approach to development that links education, health and community development

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6,2 people reached with ADPP programmes and projects


People reached with ADPP programmes and projects

1,265,000 people reached in our Education programmes


People reached in our Education programmes

3,162 employees in all of Mozambique


Employees in all of Mozambique

1,5 people reached and improved treatment adherence and completion with drug resistant TB


People reached and improved treatment adherence and completion with drug resistant TB

60,310 people received counselling and testing on HIV/AIDS


People received counselling and testing on HIV/AIDS

1,338,891 mosquito nets distributed


Mosquito nets distributed

1,860,456 People reached in HIV and TB health programmes


People reached in HIV and TB health programmes

2,113,952 People reached in Malaria prevention programme since 2018


People reached in Malaria Prevention programme since 2018



Improving the quality of education is essential for the development of the country and alleviation of poverty. We believe all children have the right to access quality education.

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ADPP Mozambique health programs build on the active participation and involvement of people and communities, equipping people with the knowledge to protect themselves. All programs in the areas of HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria and Nutrition are aligned with the public health system in Mozambique to maximize efforts and resources

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Small-scale farmers play a central role in feeding millions of people across Mozambique and ensuring food security, resilience, and progress, for the great majority of our nation

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Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian Aid

Climate change will have an untold impact on the country over the next 20 years. In response to this threat, ADPP Mozambique has introduced a number of programs focused on climate change prevention and mitigation

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Formação de Professores: Reforçar a Resiliência e Construir a Sustentabilidade

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Formação de Professores: Reforçar a Resiliência e Construir a Sustentabilidade

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Ao longo dos últimos cinco anos (2019-2024), o projeto de combate à tuberculose em Moçambique “Mozambique Local TB Response (LTBR)”, financiado pela Agência dos Estados Unidos para o Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID) com um orçamento de 25 milhões de dólares, realizou avanços significativos na melhoria da deteção, diagnóstico e tratamento da TB, em 50 distritos das províncias de Nampula, Zambézia, Sofala e Tete, a uma população-alvo de 13,6 milhões de pessoas, correspondente a 68% do número total de habitantes.
We celebrate World Teachers’ Day on 5 October 2024, under the theme: "“Valuing Teacher Voices: Towards a new social contract for education.
As part of the emergency project funded by Humana Spain and implemented by ADPP, 3,000 family clothing kits were recently delivered to the Secretary of State of Maputo Province, Judith Massacula.