

EU Ambassador visits Inclusive Education project in Manica


The Ambassador of the European Union, Antonino Maggiore, visited the Chimoio School for Teachers of the Future this week as part of the "Improving Inclusive Education" project. Accompanied by the Finnish Ambassador, Anna-Kaisa Heikkinen, the Ambassador of Sweden, Mette Sunnergren and the Minister Counsellor of the Portuguese Embassy, Rita Araújo, they had the opportunity to find out more about the progress of the project and how the EPF-Chimoio works.

The MEI project, funded by the European Union, aims to contribute to the protection and promotion of the rights of children, young people and people with disabilities, including women and girls with disabilities through better access to inclusive and quality basic education, as well as inclusive adult education and literacy, with an emphasis on women and men with disabilities.

As a final objective, it aims to contribute to reducing educational disparities in Mozambique, in selected districts in the provinces of Manica and Sofala.

The action covers adults who have learning difficulties, giving them access to quality education through the actions of the teacher as a community catalyst. It will provide literacy training for both young people and adults.

Over several years, ADPP and the European Union have collaborated closely in the implementation of various development projects. This partnership has been key to boosting progress and improving living conditions in several communities.


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